ERC-Funded PhD and PostDoc positions available at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to join the proof logging revolution and make combinatorial optimizers deliver 100% correcntess guarantees.
The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
Early registration deadline: 30 July 2023, AoE. The Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming is the premier international event for presenting research in all aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications. CP 2023 will be held in-person in Toronto at the University of Toronto St. George campus (Downtown), August 27-31, 2023.
There is an opening for a postdoc position (university assistant) at TU Wien within the Algorithms and Complexity research unit.
Modalities in Substructural Logic: Theory, Methods and Applications (MOSAIC 2023) will be held on 27-29 September 2023 in Vienna, (Austria)
The QBF Gallery 2023 invites submissions of QBF solvers (PCNF as well as non-PCNF and DQBF solvers), related tools like preprocessors as well as novel benchmark instances to challenge current solvers (in particular, the publicly available solvers of the last QBFEval events).
Submissions for CP 2023 are now open. Long papers and short papers are due by 27 April 2023 (abstracts due by 2 May 2023). Check out the SAT fast track for papers that have been rejected by SAT (submission deadline 17 May 2023).
The SAT competition 2023 welcomes your benchmarks and solvers.
The International Pragmatics of SAT Workshop is organized again this year, as a joint event with SAT'23, with dedicated looking back/forward contributions, post-workshop proceedings and SAT'23 fast track.
URGENT: 3-year researcher position on Optimization Modulo Theories in Trento. PhD and expertise in SMT|SAT|CP|MILP needed
The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien calls for the nomination of authors of outstanding theses and scientific works in the field of Logic and Computer Science, in the two categories outstanding master thesis and outstanding undergraduate thesis. Submission deadline updated to April 11th.
Submissions for SAT 2023 are now open. Submit your latest research on satisfiability (long papers, short papers, tool papers) by March 17th (abstracts due March 10th).
The 2nd Combinatorial Reconfiguration Challenge (CoRe Challenge 2023) is a competition aiming for practically exploring the combinatorial reconfiguration problem.
The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for several postdoc positions in theoretical computer science.
The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The organizers of the SAT Competition are looking for proposals of new proof checkers.
The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend from motivated and outstanding female master's students who plan to pursue one of the programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English in one of the following semesters: winter semester 2022/2023, summer semester 2023.
The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for postdoc positions in combinatorial optimization.
The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
BLaSST is a project funded by ANR, the French research agency. It involves the VeriDis team of Inria in Nancy, the CRIL laboratory of University of Artois in Lens, the CLEARSY company, and the Montefiore Institute of University of Liège in Belgium. BLaSST was selected for funding as project ANR-21-CE25-0010.