keep up to date with research on the satisfiability problem
The proceedings of the 2015 and 2018 editions of Pragmatics of SAT workshops has just been published in Easychair Proceedings in Computing.
The site for submitting pseudo-Boolean solvers or benchmarks to the 2016 competition will open soon. Like the previous evaluations and competitions (PB05, PB06, PB07, PB09, PB10, PB11, PB12, PB Evaluation 2015), the goal of PB16 is to assess the state of the art in the field of pseudo-Boolean solvers.
Many different encodings for Pseudo-Boolean (PB) constraints into conjunctive normal form (CNF) have been proposed in the past. The PBLib project starts to collect and implement these encodings to be able to encode PB constraints in a very simple, but effective way.
The pseudo Boolean evaluation 2015 analyzes the current state of the art of pseudo Boolean solving technology to be able to determine the progress that has been made since the last evaluation. Therefore, we invite solver developers to submit the latest version of their tools. Furthermore, we will include selected solvers of the previous pseudo Boolean competition 2012.