SAT 2019 Call for Participation
Twenty-second International Conference on
--- SAT 2019 ---
Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 12 July 2019
Early Registration: 8 June, 2019, 23:59 AoE
Late Registration: 30 June, 2019, 23:59 AoE
The International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT) is the premier annual meeting for researchers focusing on the theory and applications of the propositional satisfiability problem, broadly construed. In addition to plain propositional satisfiability, it also includes Boolean optimization (such as MaxSAT and Pseudo-Boolean (PB) constraints), Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF), Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), and Constraint Programming (CP) for problems with clear connections to Boolean-level reasoning.
Many hard combinatorial problems can be tackled using SAT-based techniques including problems that arise in Formal Verification, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research, Computational Biology, Cryptography, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Mathematics, etc. Indeed, the theoretical and practical advances in SAT research over the past twenty years have contributed to making SAT technology an indispensable tool in a variety of domains.
SAT 2019 aims to further advance the field by soliciting original theoretical and practical contributions in these areas with a clear connection to satisfiability. Specifically, SAT 2019 invites scientific contributions addressing different aspects of SAT interpreted in a broad sense, including (but not restricted to) theoretical advances (such as exact algorithms, proof complexity, and other complexity issues), practical search algorithms, knowledge compilation, implementation-level details of SAT solvers and SAT-based systems, problem encodings and reformulations, applications (including both novel application domains and improvements to existing approaches), as well as case studies and reports on findings based on rigorous experimentation.
Early registration for both the conference and workshops is now available. We encourage all potential attendees to register soon! After June 8, the prices will increase! Registration can be done at the website of the conference.
Main Conference1 (July 9-12)
Rate | Early (until 8 June) | Late (until 30 June) | On site |
Student | 200€ | 270€ | 320€ |
Academic | 360€ | 430€ | 490€ |
Industrial | 460€ | 530€ | 640€ |
1 The price includes coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, excursion, and banquet.
Workshops2 (July 7-8)
Rate | Early | Late | On site |
1 day | 40€ | 40€ | 60€ |
2 days | 60€ | 60€ | 80€ |
2 The price includes coffee breaks.
Attending SAT 2019
The conference will take place at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Established in perpetuity, the Foundation’s main purpose is to improve the quality of life through art, charity, science and education. The Foundation has a museum, which houses the Founder’s private collection, alongside a collection of modern and contemporary art; an orchestra and a choir; an art library and archive; a scientific research institute; and a garden, in a central area of the city of Lisbon, where educational activities also take place.
More information about the venue and the social program of the conference can be found here.
3 The Summer School and the workshops will take place at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UL) of the University of Lisbon.
Portugal is part of the Schengen area. Please verify whether you need a Schengen visa before your trip.
If you require a visa, we recommend contacting the nearest embassy, consulate, or travel agency for information about the passport and visa requirements from your country for entry to Portugal (Schengen). If you need an invitation letter for visa purposes, then write in due time to
Unfortunately, we require the following information in order to avoid visa fraud:
Students: brief reference letter from your supervisor including contact details for the University.
Non-students: the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of at least one publication in scope of the SAT conference OR some other evidence of your affiliation with SAT (e.g reference letter from employer).
Invited Speakers
- Carla Gomes (Cornell University, US)
- Josef Urban (Czech Institute of of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Republic)
- Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories
- QBF Workshop
- Vampire Workshop
- Pragmatics of SAT Workshop
- Workshop on Logic and Search
SAT/SMT/AR Summer School 2019
Satisfiability (SAT), Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), and Automated Reasoning (AR) continue to make rapid advances and find novel uses in a wide variety of applications, both in computer science and beyond. The SAT/SMT/AR Summer School aims to bring a select group of students up to speed quickly in this exciting research area. The school continues the successful line of Summer Schools that ran from 2011 to 2015 as SAT/SMT Summer Schools and added AR in 2016.
Important Dates
- July 3-6, 2019 - SAT/SMT/AR Summer School
- July 7-8, 2019 - Workshops
- July 9-12, 2019 - Conference
Other Information
More information about the conference can be found at Questions about the paper submission process may be addressed to the Program Chairs Mikoláš Janota and Inês Lynce.