Two Research Assistant positions in Swansea available soon
Based on the grant The next level of SAT solving for very hard problems soon the details of the two RA positions will become available. For your information, here a rough outline:
- at the highest possible pay level for such positions in the UK, running for 3 years, at Swansea University, in the Computational Foundry
- project leader (PI) is Oliver Kullmann, the project is about the theory, implementation and application of Cube-and-Conquer (C&C);
- “research assistant” (RA) means that the research is directed by the PI;
- one RA is for the connection to mathematics, and the mathematical applications;
- the other RA is for the SAT algorithms and its implementations (in C++17).
Details to follow within the next 4-6 weeks. If you are interested, please contact Oliver Kullmann, (subject title: C&C).